
“Sometimes, some people are just different. Strangers, determined by some upcoming urge, screaming out from deep, haunting, chasing these people into a different reality. No everyday lives. No sanity, no more. These people sometimes might seem arrogant and eccentric but if you look, if you really look somewhat closer, you might find the hidden reason right behind the glamour of being special. These people do things. Their presence is disturbing, like noticing something you can’t really put your finger on, and at the same time, somehow really sad.
I tried to live the life that was meant for me. But I failed. I got chased by an upcoming urge, screaming up from the very depths of my soul: I had to run away, run, never to stop until I saw everything, until there was no more to see. But there is always something more to explore.

My name is Aileen Ashwood and this is the story of how I became the Traveler.”

The content and language of this site may disturb some readers, so please, if you feel harmed by these thoughts, or the form the writer put them into, forgive us and leave. The stories may contain adult language, violance, detailed sexuality, references to alcohol and drug use, and a general mentality not suggested to follow!

Thank you for your time, have fun.

All written contents on this page belong to the author. Please, if you have any intention of re-publishing the stories and writings, contact me under the Contact menu.
All rights reserved.

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